Yash Shree Space Studios

The Fairway Business Park

Vis intellegat argumentum consequuntur ne. His at aeque posidonium, magna mutat copiosae pri ex. Mel invenire splendide scripserit eu, ne sit tollit appellantur, et albucius molestiae est. Insolens inciderint te sed, nam minimum senserit at.

Ne convenire splendide efficiendi has. At solum autem movet sed, nobis invidunt molestiae te ius. An ubique diceret ius.Ne usu labores lobortis, ea est primis epicurei.


Work space:
From $250 per Person / Month
Separate office:
From $80 per Person / Month
Dedicated Desk:
From $40 / Month
Meeting Rooms:
From $35 per Person / Month
Virtual Office:
From$450 / Month
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Tempor primis singulis appareat dissens
  • Work space From $250 per Person / Month
  • Separate office From $80 per Person / Month
  • Dedicated Desk From $40 / Month
  • Meeting Rooms From $35 per Person / Month
  • Virtual Office From$450 / Month
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  • Work space From $250 per Person / Month
  • Separate office From $80 per Person / Month
  • Dedicated Desk From $40 / Month
  • Meeting Rooms From $35 per Person / Month
  • Virtual Office From$450 / Month
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  • Work space From $250 per Person / Month
  • Separate office From $80 per Person / Month
  • Dedicated Desk From $40 / Month
  • Meeting Rooms From $35 per Person / Month
  • Virtual Office From$450 / Month
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